CED (Cathode Electro Deposition)

Tragbar Solutions is a Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter of CED Coating Plants and equipments. Cathodic Electro-deposition (CED) Electro-deposition is and abbreviation of Cathode Electro Deposition and is a primer coating that has become universal for a modern automotive paint shop. In CED, charged particles from the paint emulsion move to Cathode (CED) under electrical forces. The direct current established through the bath makes the pigment and resin baseof the paint wander towards the body surfaces.

Cathode Electro Deposition Coating reaches all the recessed area. Deposited film does not re-dissolve. Deposited film after stoving becomes hard, durable polymeric film.

Types CED (Cathode Electro Deposition)

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